Prof. Yuan-Cheng Cao
Prof. Yuan-Cheng Cao
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
标题: Recent developments of artificial intelligence (AI) for material genome initiative and innovations

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a center of attention for the last few decades. A large amount of training data, improved computational abilities and advanced deep learning algorithms recently favor the wider application of AI, including materials research. Traditional trial-and-error methods for material research are low efficiency and time-consuming. AI especially machine learning-based methods could speed up the process by learning the rules of molecule and structure-effect relations that underlie a dataset and building a model to make predictions. There are several stages for the developments of AI based materials innovation: from the data analysis machine, to data-harvest machine and to data creative machine. And this is quite different from the computational chemistry where the computer is little more than a calculator, employing a hard-coded formula provided by a human expert. The development of AI in materials could be the self-learning and problem-solve assistant. 

 As for solid state electrolytes for Li-ion batteries for example, a structure-property relation for electrolytes is not clear enough and there are thousands of potential candidates which could lead to better performance of the resultant battery. Hence, by employing the know-how electrolytes, AI could use the resulting data from a database to train itself and use an AI-designed model to verify the experimentally successful materials, and then even predict, design and synthesis some new promising solid Li-ion conductors. AI is also suitable for addressing research questions in other materials domain, guiding and accelerating the future development for Material Genome Initiative.

Prof. Yuan-Cheng Cao received his Doctor’s degree in 2006 from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST, Wuhan, China). Then he worked as post-doctor in HUST before moving to Nottingham Trent University (NTU, UK) working on European Union 6th Framework as Research Fellow in 2007. In 2010 he moved to Newcastle University (UK) working on the functional materials for green energies. In 2015, under “Chutian Scholar” ,“Yellow Crane Talent” and “One Hundred Talents” Programs, He was appointed as full professor at Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Chemical Materials and Devices, Ministry of Education (Jianghan University). Then in 2018 he moved to State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (HUST, Wuhan) where he works as Principle Investigator (PI) in the group of Solid state Lithium battery for grid energy storage. Prof. Cao has published more than 100 peer-reviewed research papers and holds more than 35 patents in energy storage materials and devices.