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Template for Manuscripts

Important Dates


Dec. 24-26, 2021

Full Paper Due: Dec. 13, 2021

Abstract Due: Dec. 13, 2021

Audience Registration Due:
Dec. 24, 2021

Call For Papers

The 8th Int'l Conference on Surface and Interface of Materials (SIM_D 2021) will be held from December 24-26, 2021 in Sanya, China. You are invited to submit papers/abstracts and participate in our academic exchange.

The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:

Adsorption and desorption
Bio-surfaces and interfaces
Chirality at surfaces and enantiosensitive reactions
Dynamical phenomena at surfaces: Space-/Time-/Energy-resolved
In situ reactions on metal surfaces and nanoparticles
Electrochemistry at surfaces
Electronic and optical properties of surface structures
Heavy atoms, lanthanides and actinides at surfaces
Liquid/solid interfaces
Metal, alloy and quasicrystal surfaces
Molecular self-assembling at surfaces
Nano materials, thin carbon layers and graphene
New techniques for study of surfaces and interfaces
Non-covalent Interactions
Novel methods: Instrumentation, Facilities and Computation
Oxide surfaces and thin/ultra-thin oxide films
Piezo and ferroelectricity at surfaces
Polymer surfaces and interfaces
Self-healing surface structures
Semiconductor surfaces
Surface chemical reactions, kinetics and heterogeneous catalysis
Surface diffusion and growth
Surface engineering
Surfaces in space
Surface/interface science of energy materials: PV, batteries, fuel cells, etc.
Surface magnetism
Surface phases and phase-transitions at surfaces
Surface studies using synchrotron radiation
Strong correlation at surfaces
Tribology at the atomic scale, bio-lubrication
Ultrafast phenomena